Club Officers
Each year in October the Board of Directors prepares a slate of candidates for the positions of President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer for the upcoming year. Consequently, the Board of Directors is always looking for members interested in serving our club in an executive capacity.
If you have an interest in becoming a member of the Board of Directors, please let us know.
If you have an interest in becoming a member of the Board of Directors, please let us know.
CURRENT CLUB OFFICERS (2025) President: Robyn Waayers Vice President: David Berschauer Treasurer: Barney Hunold Recording Secretary: Dave Waller Corresponding Secretary: Robyn Waayers Past President: Paul Tuskes Member at Large: Roger Clark Member at Large: Andrew Lazere Member at Large: Philip Pike Member at Large: Leo Kempczenski Member at Large: Lisa Lindahl ADDITIONAL OFFICERS (2025) Acquisitions Chair: David Waller WCSS Chair: David Waller Librarian: Paul Tuskes Historian: Hans Bertsch Parliamentarian: David Waller Community Outreach Chair: David Waller Botanical Garden Rep.: Paul Tuskes EDITORIAL BOARD (2025) Editor in Chief: David Berschauer Asst. Editor in Chief: David Waller Research Editor: Edward J. Petuch Research Editor: Paul Tuskes Associate Editor: Stephen J. Maxwell Copy Editor: Stephen J. Maxwell Art Editors: Rex Stilwill & Lisa Lindahl |
Argopecten ventricosus (G. B. Sowerby II, 1842) © P. Tuskes