San Diego Shell Club Mugs, Books, Supplemental Publications & Pins!
San Diego Shell Club Mugs, Books, Supplemental Publications & Pins!
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Important: Please be aware that all items below may not be available. If an item or items are not available, you will be informed and a refund made if necessary.
How to Make Purchases:
1. Browse the Store by scrolling to the available items below. You may also purchase back issues of The Festivus here (see "THE FESTIVUS" button above).
2. Fill out the Purchase Order Form below (If you are purchasing multiple items, you will have to contact Leo Kempczenski at [email protected] with a list of the items you wish to purchase, to determine the combined shipping. Then you can complete the Purchase Order Form below). Note: To fill in the form you must click directly below the title of each section within the form.
3. Submit the form. It may take some time to complete your order. If you have not received it in two weeks, please contact us.
1. Browse the Store by scrolling to the available items below. You may also purchase back issues of The Festivus here (see "THE FESTIVUS" button above).
2. Fill out the Purchase Order Form below (If you are purchasing multiple items, you will have to contact Leo Kempczenski at [email protected] with a list of the items you wish to purchase, to determine the combined shipping. Then you can complete the Purchase Order Form below). Note: To fill in the form you must click directly below the title of each section within the form.
3. Submit the form. It may take some time to complete your order. If you have not received it in two weeks, please contact us.
The new limited edition San Diego Shell Club mugs are available for $10 per mug, or $8 each for 6 or more. Shipping in the U.S via Priority Mail must be determined on a case by case basis and will be based on the weight of the package and the location of delivery. Once these mugs are sold out they will not be produced again. However, a new mug with different images will be produced each year so that you may purchase your favorite or buy the set.
The new limited edition San Diego Shell Club mugs are available for $10 per mug, or $8 each for 6 or more. Shipping in the U.S via Priority Mail must be determined on a case by case basis and will be based on the weight of the package and the location of delivery. Once these mugs are sold out they will not be produced again. However, a new mug with different images will be produced each year so that you may purchase your favorite or buy the set.
2018 Mugs
2017 Mugs
2016 Mugs
Sea and Land Shells of the Don Pisor Collection: Color, Form, Shape
This book is based on the legacy collection of Don Pisor, which was accumulated over a period of 45 years. It illustrates all groups of mollusks with the emphasis on species variation and the selection of species and forms that are seldom seen in most collections or publications. In many instances the species, genera and even families illustrated have not been seen in other books prior to this work, making this an excellent companion to the Encyclopedia of Marine Gastropods (Alain Robin, 2008). This book contains almost 5000 high quality color images of mollusks, including images of 409 World Record size shells. The book also includes sections on mollusk artwork by A. D’Attilio as well as terrestrial gastropods. 2015, 700 pages ISBN 978-3-939767-62-6
Price: $125.00, plus shipping and handing ($10.00 in the USA). |
Sea Shells of Southern California – Marine Shells of the Californian Province
By David P. Berschauer and Roger N. Clark.
This book is available exclusively through the San Diego Shell Club. This work fills a large void in the molluscan literature. It has been over 40 years since anyone has attempted to document this amazingly rich and beautiful molluscan fauna. The authors have created a visually-stunning iconography of the regional molluscan fauna, which also offers the first up-to-date synthesis of the molluscan biogeographical patterns seen along the coasts of southern California and the western side of Baja California, Mexico. Gorgeous color photographs cover 351 species of mollusks shown on 58 plates, which makes this book an invaluable synoptic field guide for professional malacologists, shell collectors, beach goers, amateur naturalists, and school field trip classes. |
By expanding the scope of the book to encompass marine biogeography and species distributions, the authors have created a multi-purpose field guide that will be of great importance and great interest to marine biologists, marine ecologists, and environmentalists. This publication is a must have for anyone who collects California marine shells.
Price: $35.00 for softcover and $50.00 for hardcover, plus shipping and handing ($10.00 in the USA).
Revised and updated second printing
Price: $35.00 for softcover and $50.00 for hardcover, plus shipping and handing ($10.00 in the USA).
Revised and updated second printing
Jewels of the Everglades: The Fossil Cowries of Southern Florida
By Edward J. Petuch, David P. Berschauer and Robert F. Myers.
This book is available exclusively through the San Diego Shell Club. The Cypraeidae of Plio-Pleistocene southern Florida produced the single largest radiation of cowrie shells, known from one locality, ever found anywhere on Earth. With the exception of two widespread early Pliocene species, all the rest of the fossil cowries found in southern Florida were completely restricted to that region. Even within this relatively small area, many species and species groups of cowries had very limited geographical ranges, often being restricted to select reef tracts or estuarine environments and having ranges of only a few hundred square miles. |
This book contains over 350 macro images of over 100 species of fossil cowries from over four million years (covering the Pliocene to the Holocene) beautifully illustrated on 104 color plates, together with maps and in situ pictures of these unique fossil jewels.
Price: $95.00 plus shipping and handling ($8.00 in the USA).
Hurry and get your copy while supplies last.
Hurry and get your copy while supplies last.
The Living and Fossil Busycon Whelks: Iconic Mollusks of Eastern North America
By Edward J. Petuch et al.
BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND “The Living and Fossil Busycon Whelks: Iconic Mollusks of Eastern North America", is the seminal book on Busycon whelks, including all 17 living species and over 100 fossil species. The book contains over 120 color plates and maps with pictures of these fascinating shells. A trip to an open shoreline anywhere along the eastern United States will quickly introduce a beachcomber to the busycon whelks. These iconic American shells are abundant in shallow water areas from Cape Cod south to Florida and throughout the Gulf of Mexico, and are often the most conspicuous mollusks to wash up onto beaches after storms. |
Although the busycon whelks are recognized as being one of the most conspicuous and common groups of marine mollusks in eastern North America, their systematic classification and taxonomic nomenclature was uncertain at best. Over the past 100 years, these iconic American mollusks have been placed in no fewer than four different families, underscoring the wide range of professional opinions regarding the systematic placement of this group. These families have included the Melongenidae, Busyconidae, Fasciolariidae, and the Buccinidae. In this book, the authors follow the requirement of total evidence, utilizing several busyconid classification tools, including classic morphological characters such as shell shape, protoconch structure, and periostracal structure, and also the evolutionary history, fossil record, and biogeographical patterns for each genus and species complex, and where available biochemical and DNA studies. These are all combined in different ways to gain insight into a more precise systematic placement of these large and important marine animals. The authors bring together as many aspects of busyconid biology and paleontology as possible, including an iconography of over one hundred color figures representing both the living and fossil species with distribution maps for each living species and subspecies. These data and color images give a higher-resolution view of the origins and evolutionary patterns of this important and iconic American molluscan family.
Price: Hard cover third printing is now available for $100.00 plus shipping and handling ($8.00 in the USA); ebook is also available for $25.00 plus shipping and handling ($5.00 in the USA).
Price: Hard cover third printing is now available for $100.00 plus shipping and handling ($8.00 in the USA); ebook is also available for $25.00 plus shipping and handling ($5.00 in the USA).
Atlas of Florida Fossil Shells: Pliocene and Pleistocene Marine Gastropods
By Edward J. Petuch
A virtually complete compendium of the fossil gastropods of the Pliocene and Pleistocene formations of the entire state of Florida. Here beautifully illustrated on 100 plates of photographs are 56 families, 237 genera, and over 1,100 species of macrogastropods from the world-renowned fossil beds of the Floridian Peninsula.
Synthesizing over 100 years of Floridian molluscan paleontology, the Atlas contains all the known species of such popular and stratigraphically important families as the Cypraeidae, Conidae, Muricidae, Volutidae, Strombidae, Olividae, and Busiconidae, and also contains the descriptions of almost 300 new species and subspecies, 10 new genera, and two new subfamilies. |
A complete review of the stratigraphic and geomorphological nomenclature is also given, placing the molluscan fauna in a usable evolutionary and paleoecological framework. The Atlas of Florida Fossil Shells will prove to be an invaluable tool for paleontologists, malacologists, stratigraphers, paleoecologists, and fossil collectors.
Price: $50.00 plus shipping and handling.
Supplemental Publications
Iconography of the Haliotis Species and Subspecies of Australia and New Zealand
Chitons: The Polyplacophora from the Mexican Pacific
By Adriana Reyes-Gómez
Available through the San Diego Shell Club, this is the first comprehensive work on the chitons of Mexico from the Pacific Ocean and Sea of Cortez covering 102 species of chitons living throughout 6 marine biogeographic provinces. This seminal work includes 106 color images of chitons together with detailed information on the habitat and distribution of these fascinating mollusks. This publication is a must have for any chiton enthusiast. Price: $25.00 plus shipping and handling ($5.00 in the USA). |
A taxonomic review of California Holocene Callianax (Olivellidae: Gastropoda: Mollusca) based on shell characters
By Charles L. Powell II, Fred Vervaet and David P. Berschauer
Available through the San Diego Shell Club, this supplement is an in depth review of the living northeastern Pacific olivellids based on shell morphological characters of type and supplementary specimens attributed to the modern molluscan fauna of the region. Many names for the species and subspecies found in Californian Province, Oregonian Province, and Aleutian Province have been used over the years and this manuscript resolves the confusion surrounding these names by discussing and illustrating type specimens (where possible) for each name. Formerly placed in the genus Olivella, these species are now placed in the genus Callianax, and are found to include C. alectona, C. biplicata, C. diegensis, and C. strigata. All taxa are illustrated in photographic plates and discussed in depth, and the basis for synonymy is thoroughly analyzed. Price: $25.00 plus shipping and handling ($5.00 in the USA). |
Limited Edition San Diego Shell Club Pins